I have 6 days, 6 long days ahead of me on Majorca and tonight i'm goin crazy. I've been packing, or trying to, all day, and I came to the conclusion that I have to send one more box of stuff by post to GranCan, I just don't have enough space in my suitcase for everything. 


I'm so anxious to leave already that I can't stay still. I've tried laying in the bed, watching tv, calling friends and nothing helps. I'm really tired, but I can't stay still long enough to fall asleep.. Right now I feel like screaming, crying, hitting someone or anything, just so I get all this anxiousness out of me! Going crazy....


Tomorrow I'm moving to a hotel, and then on tuesday I will change hotel and stay there until saturday. Next week this time I will be at our new home with my best friend, we will probably be talking 'till we both fall asleep and then on sunday we have a day full of things to do and in the evening it's time for total disconnecting with wine, friends and a lot of dancing! 


Well, I should probably go back to bed and try to fall asleep or I'll just go crazy thinking about everything!